The Story of Three Fishes for Students To Read

     In this article you will find story of fish. This is the best bedtime stories to read. This article is for children's bedtime stories. In this article, you will get the story of fish. This is very easy and intresting story about fish. In this blog you will get many stories, essay, news, speech etc. Share this with your friends.

Story of Fish

Story of Fish

     Once upon a time there were three cute and intelligent fish lived at once in our nearby lake. They all three are best friends with different types of their body or characters. They three fish are very cleaver but they always respect each other. From these fish, fist fish is very sagacious and intelligent. And this fish always things before doing any thing.

Qualities of Fish

     Then the second fish was joyful, bright, glad. This second fish always use his brain for doing any thing. He always follow his brain and this second fish always solve his problems by using brain. The third fish always believe on faith or providence. This fish believe that whatever happens with me that's happen no one could change the situation.

How Friends Attracts Fish?

     One day some people were playing near the shores and they are friends. They come to enjoy on lake. They were playing volleyball but one friend hit vollyball wrong side and this ball went near the lake. They saw some fishes. Then one man told to his friend about these good fish that "This lake is full of good fish and tomorrow we will come here to catch these fish".

Convince To Leave Lake

     From these three fish, one fish heard this and ran away towards his two friends. Then this fish told them to leave this lake from canal to other lake. This fish tried a lot to convince them but the first fish told that "I will never leave this lake because this is my favourite place when the fishermen come I will solve my own problem myself".

     The third fish told that "Whatever happens with me but I will not leave this lake because I spend my whole life in this lake and I loved this lake". Then the first fish tried a lot to leave this lake but they both did not listen him. Therefore this fist fish leave this risky lake alone to other lake through canal.

Fishermen with Net

     Next day fishermen came to fishing and he spread the big net in this lake to cought so many fish. Then they both fish also cought by this fishermen. Then the fishermen get aot of fish and he get back his net from this lake. All fish were dead and they both fish regret that why we did not follow this fist fish.

Conclusion for Story of Fish

     From this story we can conclude that one who does not adapt to change often perishes. Therefore we did not want to stay at once. Always try to update your self and increase you knowing. Increase knowledge is one of the best way to keep us active.