Now a days, Internet becoming most using platform. The use of internet is going to increase. As technology growing up, same the speed of internet user also growing up. So today we will see essay on internet. I am sharing essay on internet with you in a very easy way. This essay is very useful from class 1st to 12th.
Essay on Internet
There are many ways that changes from time to time and helps to making easy is called as internet. Internate is helping to the moder man and it is helping the lives of people easy. This is very useful and beneficial thing. Now, you can find everything that you want from home. Through internate, the time is not wasting. You can get internate everywhere. It is now available everywhere. The meaning of intera is within, and the meaning of internet is called as within organisations. This is the world best invention of modern man.
Internate for Students
Internate is very useful for students. They can get a lot of knowledge through internate. Now it is very easy to get good marks by using internet. Every information available on internet related to studies. You can get everything or every book from internate. During the time of covid-19, internate given a lot of benefits to students.
Internate for Business
For business mans, internate is giving them relax. All the business is selling through internate. There are few platform which is helping to increase in business. All the business metting is conducting through internate. This gets very and you can attend any metting online from your house. Then all the payments also getting online. People are using excessive online payment method and every business man getting this benifits. They are transferring in lakhs through the internet.
Internate for Teachers
Now a days, every school is becoming degital. Due to internate, this is possible. For teachers, internate is helping to teach on mobiles. With the help of animation videos, small kids is leaning good. They are attracting and learning through mobile. Every teachers getting their payment through online payment. Through internate, it is very easy to understand any concept of any subject.
Essay on Internet Advantages and Disadvantages
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of internate. This is depends on how we use internet. People are using their more and more time on internate. But what they are using, it maybe they are using internet to increase your knowledge or to waste your time.
Advantages of Internet
There are many advantages of internet. For students, you can solve any problem and you can get every answer from internet. For teachers, they are using internet to study students and clear their concept in every subject. You can find any place on Google Map. This will help to show correct place from all over the world. Internet is also used to earn money. People are earning money in lakhs and they are creating content and they presents on social media platforms. Through this they are earning a lot. Internet is also useful for intertainment.
Disadvantages of Internet
There are also a lot of disadvantages of internate. People are using internet in a wrong way. They are wasting their important time on excess use of internate. Now a days, students during online class are also wasting their time. They are playing online games. Therefore it is very important to aware from wrong things from internate. The most disadvantage of internet is students who are the futures of our country, they are addicting to play online games during online classes.
Conclusion for Essay on Internet
In short essay on internet advantages and disadvantages gives a lot of benefits and also internet is very important to have in life. This is the best path to get any knowledge from internet. According to me, internet is informative and useful.