Global Warming Essay in english for Students and Teachers

     Now a days it is very necessary to speak about global warming essay in English and also spread about the global warming essay. So day by day global warming essay this topic in increasing. Today we will learn something about global warming essay. I will try to understand you this topic in a very short and easy way. So read this full and try to understand about global warming essay.

Global Warming Essay

Global Warming Essay

     Global warming is the phenomenon where the earth's average temperature rises because of increased amounts of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases like methane, carbon dioxide and ozone trap the incoming radiation from the sun. This effect creates or makes the natural blanket or cover which prevents the direct rais or heat from escaping back into the atmosphere. This effect is called a greenhouse effect.

Global Warming Greenhouse Effect 

     Contrary to popular belief, greenhouse gases are not inherently bad. In facts, the greenhouse effect is quite or very few important for lives on earth or land. Without this effect, the sun’s radiation would be reflected back into the environment or atmosphere that freeze the surface and making life impossible.

     Therefore, when greenhouse gasses in excess amounts gets trapped, serious repercussions begin for appearing. The polar ice caps begin to melt and leading to the rise in sea the levels. Then, the greenhouse effects are accelerated when polar ice caps and sea ice start melting.

Climate Change And Global Warming

     Climate change and global warming are the two sides of the same coin. Both are related to each other. There are so many activities taking place which have been increasing or changing the temperature gradually. Global warming is melting our ice glaciers rapidly and very fast. This is the extremely harmful to the earth or our land as well as for humans of this glob.

Global Warming Control

     It is quite challenging for controlling global warming. Therefore, it is not unmanageable or impossible. The first step for solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem. Therefore, first of all we need to first understand the the causes of global warming that will help us or guides us to proceed further in solving it.

Global Warming Causes

     Global warming is becoming the grave problems which needs to undivided attention. It is not happening due of a single cause, but there are so many several causes. These causes are both the natural as well as the man-made. But the most especial cause is manmade. The natural causes that comes the release of greenhouses gases which are can not escape from this earth, causing for increasing the temperature.

Absorption Of Carbon Dioxide

     Therefore, when one of the biggest sources of the absorption of the carbon dioxide will only disappear then understand that there will be nothing left to regulate the gases. Hence, it will results in the global warming. Some steps must be taken immediately for stopping the global warming and makes the earth better again.

Global Warming Solutions

     There are many solutions for global warming. First of all, we ought to begin with the reduction of greenhouse gas. Then the most important thing for stopping the global warming is that, people want to use electric cars, electrics bicks, electric devices that cannot produces carbon dioxide. Then the most second thing is that, everyone want to plant lots of plants that gives too much oxygen.

Conclusion for Global Warming Essay

     Therefore, it is necessary to understand about global warming essay and every little steps that whatever it may no matter how small carries so many weight and is quite significant in stopping global warming.