In this article you will get essay on cow. This essay is for class 1st to 8th standard. This is best essay for your annual examinations. This is comes many time in exams. In this essay, you will get all about cow. So read it carefully and try to lean this essay.
Essay on Cow
Cow is the domestic animal. Cows are one of the most innocent animals. Normally people love to cows at their house, they loved cows and also they take care of them. Cows have four legs, two ears, two eyes, one mouth, one toung, one nose. This is the some main parts of cow. These cows are so many benifits for our daily life.
Kids love Cow
Cows are herbivores animals. People keep cows at home because it gives a lot of things for man and specially for farmers. Cows are mostly liked by small kids. Because every kids love these types of animals. Cows are also useful in farming, medical, daily life, etc. They eat green lives of suger and also all the green lives. Cows gives us milk.
Cows for Hindu Religion
Mostly cows are considered or know to be a sacred animal in the Hindu religion. All the ardent followers of religion worship cow animal like a Goddess. In Hindu religion, they accept cow as their god. A cow has been honoured or considered with the status and position of a mother in Hinduism. This is the why Hindu people refer to it as ‘Gau Mata’ which translates to Mother Cow.
To kill a cow, it is considered as the sin by followers of Hindu religion. They respect all cows like their mother. They did not harm any cow. Also they buy cow to keep it in their house. There are also special doctors or hospitals for animals. If any animal get harm, then they can treat by these animals doctors.
Protection of Cow
The government is also taking a lot of measures and decision for protecting cows from any injustice. People are coming forward or they are trying in alliance to safeguard for all cows. They do not prefer any kind or any person of inappropriate behavior with cows. We all people must work together for protecting all cows and become the voice for the unspoken animal.
Uses of Cow for Food
The first and most important benifit of cow is milk. Cow provides is milk. They are the important and main source of milk for human life. This milk helps us to keep us heal and fit. Also this pure milk helps to increase our health immunity. With the help of cow milk we can also get butter, ghee, curd, cream, chees etc. Cows helps us in a lot of ways.
Uses of Duge of Cow
Even though the duge of cow also very benifitial for so many purposes. Such as the duge of cow help in farming, this is used as a fertilizer for farming. Also some people use this as a heater material. Mostly in villages people use the duge of cow as a paint for their houses. This is also used for making papers.
Uses of Leather of Cow
The leather of cow is mostly useful for all over the world. Because with the help of leather, humans are making shoes, belt, bick seat, etc. The bone of cows are using in to make medicine. According to Hindu religion it is wrong. Because as they consider every cow as their mother.
Desition for Street Cows
In most of areas, their is cows in any road. Government want to solve this problem because cows are getting harmed. Street cows did not take care by the people. They are spreading diseases. So people also want to solve this problem. Some times many cows dies in many accident. So government want to take desition about these cows who lives on roads.
Conclusion for Essay on Cow
From this essay we can conclude that, cow gives us so many benifits. It also provides us so many things. Now it's our turn to protect cows from any harm and diseases. Because our life is depends on cows.