In this article you will get story of my life. In this article I explained above a life changing experience and meaning of life essay. Life is like a long path that everyone travels. This path gives us a lot of experience and teach us so many things. Therefore it says that no one teach us like a life.
Story of My Life
I was born in a village and belongs to poor family. My father was farmer and my mother also farmer and I was born in a village and belongs to poor family. My father was farmer and my mother also farmer and housewife. They both work hard for our good future. And I also studied well to secure good marks. I was always thinking about my future and to give rest for my parents.
They both work hard for our good future. And I also studied well to secure good marks. I was always thinking about my future and to give rest for my parents. My parents are always in thinking of farm. They passed a lot of problems but they did not give up for our good education. They don't know about education but my teacher always told them about education because I was well in studies.
My Goals in Life Paragraph
There are so many goals in life that u want to achieve. First of all I aim that I want to become a IAS officer by cracking UPSC examinations. This is my aim and I wanted to achieve this position. Then I also have another goals such as I want to travel whole world with my parents, give a life with luxury to my parents. Because they did a lot of hard work and their body was always in pain. These are the some goals in life that I want to achieve.
Meaning of Life Essay
Life is a very long path that we want to travel with our family, friends, relatives, and sometimes alone. Life gives and tough us so many things that we did not think about that. We get hate, love, anger, sad etc during the travel of life. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we feel nervous, sometimes we feel better. This is the meaning of life.
My Mistake Essay
During my life examinations, I passed from so many problems such as sometimes I did not get to enjoy with my school friends due to money. My parents did not allow me to go to school picnic and this time I understood that they hate me. That was the most big mistake that I understood my parents wrong. But they live my a lot.
Second mistake of my life is that I think to quit my education due to so many problems. That time I thought to quit my studies. Because I was disturbed due to financial problems. Therefore this though to quite studies came to my mind.
Essay About A Life Changing Experience
My lot of hard work and struggle changed my life. I daily woke up early in the morning to study and day and night, my struggle gives me a lot. As I want to become IAS officer therefore I was preparing for UPSC examinations. My hard work success with flying colours that time I was clear this exam. Then my parents get happy to see me at this position. That was about a life changing experience.
Conclusion for Story of My Life
From this story of my life we can conclude that, we want to struggle hard to achieve to achieve your goals. Work as your goals. Where do you belongs that's not important but where you will in future that's important. Life is very short don't take tention work hard and enjoy your every minute.