Hello students, in this article you will get essay on environment and about environment day. Here we also provide, how to celebrate environment with students and teachers. This article is very helpful for all nature lover.
Essay on Environment
Now a days, for protecting our environment becomes very essential. Now it's time to protect our environment from toxic gases. It is very essential for preventing our environment. Now a days, we are facing a lot of problems such as raining without season, health problems, sudden change in atmosphere, non seasonable fruits, etc. As we all living beings disturbing the nature and our environment to complete our daily needs.
How to Protect Our Environment
In order to protect the environment, every year our school celebrates or conduct program on The Environment Day with great zest and enthusiasm. Every school and every year, we want to celebrate and spread the information and knowledge about our environment. Every person want to understand about the importance of environment and also everyone want to help our environment by growing or planting more and more trees to prevent our environment.
Spending Money on Plants
Like every year, this year also we celebrated the environment day on 5th day of June. All the students of 10th standard participate in this program. The most important point or the motive of this program for celebrating the environment day is to spread the awareness of the environment. Before a day of environment, our school conduct environment day program by spending more and more money on trees and planting.
Campus of our school clean by the peons of our school. The different kinds of trees and plants were plugin around the school. The school stage arrange for the guests of the day which is full of different trees. The stage is looking as a garden due to the full of trees and flowers. There are a lot of trees in our school garden. Nearly about hundred and one hundred and fifty of plants bring for plantation through the hands of the guests.
About Environment Program
The program arrange for a very short time but in a very large and deep meaning. All our school teachers helps to success the environment day programe. All our school teachers wear green cloths to increase the importance of trees. The students of 10th standard delivered a speech about importance of trees, how trees play important role in our life, important of fresh air and water and how we want to help our environment, etc.
From their speeches, they teaches us that, how to decrease and maintain the air pollution and also about there uses and discuses. Some students delivered a speech about environment and speak about the importance of trees. And some students also talk about how trees help in our daily life as medicine. Trees are also use for medicine.
Tree Plantation in Surroundings
It is a very importance to know about the, how environment helps in our daily life. After these students all speeches the, guests came to the school play ground to plant. And they plant a lot of trees one by one. They also tell all the people who presented their that, we want to plan the different trees and if it is not possible then plant minimum one or two tree at the time of your birthday.
We want to plant the trees as possible as we can. Some of these plants were planted by our school students, teachers, principal. Everyone in our school seemed to be happy by seeing planting the trees. Every teacher, student, and the person who presented their finally took an oath that, he or she will never harm the trees and try to grow the plants as possible as they can. And also they oath that they never use polluted motorcycles for no use.
They always try to do less use of motorcycles and polluted things which can harm our beautiful environment in a large amount. Finally, our school principal thanked all the guests of this environment day, teachers and students. The day came to end with vote of thanks. Before the end of program, some sweets and snacks were provided. After the sweet and snacks section, the program end by the speech of vote of thank by our clerk teacher.
Conclusion for Essay on Environment
From this essay we can conclude that we did not want to pollute our environment and we did not harm our environment through air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. Ans also try to plat more and more trees.