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Monkey And Cap Seller Story in English
Lakhu bhai is a the honest person, who is the cap seller. Everyday, he sell the caps on his bicycle. He is a very polite, humble and hardworking person. He did not give excuse to his work. He earns some amount of money or sufficient money and he spends his money to his family. He sells his caps daily minimum 50 to 100, and he travels from different places for selling his caps. Everyday he go from one village to another village for selling his caps through his cycle.
Saller Travelling Rute
One day after selling some caps, he was returning from one village to another by cycling. Then he passed through a forest back to his house. He feels very tired, hungry and unhealthy after selling the caps. This day he tired a lot, therefore he decided to get some quite nap. He stop under a big mango tree and lay down to fell asleep. His cap boxes were kept near him and he get small nap due to his tiredness.
Monkey on The Tree
Now, he was in the very big forest. Therefore there are so many monkeys and kinds of insects on that big tree buy lakha bhai did not noticed that monkeys. From these monkeys, one of the monkey jumped down and went near the seller, then he opened the one box of caps. Lakha bhai gives his best to get the whole box of caps but he is not able to get the whole boxes of cap. Then he dair to take only one cap and put it on his head.
All Monkey Wear Cap
The another monkeys were their and they also thinks to get these caps for their self. Then these other monkeys follow this monkey, who were the cap on his head. Now, all the monkeys get their own caps on their head and then they all went back on this big tree. All the monkeys sat on the branches of that big tree with the caps on their heads. All monkeys liked these caps and they are in love with these caps.
How Lakhu Bhai Woke Up
Some of these monkeys made a lot of noise by while enjoying the caps. Therefore Lakhu bhai get disturb from their noise and he woke up due the noise of these monkeys. Suddenly he wock up and he found that his all boxs of caps were empty and he get tention. He looked up towards these monkeys and saw that all monkeys with the caps on their heads.
Saller Tried To Get Back Cap
Lakhu bhai try to shouted at them but he failed to reget caps from these monkey. These all monkeys started to shouted more loudly and they all started more and more noise. He also try to shoot his stick at them but he did not get back his caps. All these monkeys are on the branches of the tree. But, Lakhu bhai wanted their all caps safely back.
Mimicry of Human
Suddenly, Lakhubhai got an amazing idea struck in his mind to get back caps. He knew that all the monkeys like to imitate and they copy or mimicry of human as they do money will also do the same. Therefore, first he spread mat on ground then he attract all money towards him. Then he took his cap and he throw his cap towards the ground. Only at once, all these monkeys took off their all caps and threw these caps down on the ground at once safely.
Lakhu bhai get his all these caps safely. Lakhu bhai collected all these caps quickly and returned back by towards his home happily. He get his all the caps and he became glad and very happy.